Dry cupping is one of the most common forms of cupping therapy and doesn’t involve any oils or lotions. With dry cupping, the cups aren’t usually moved. The cups just suction to your skin and stay put. 

Dry cupping may help improve symptoms associated with neck pain. This is because therapy modalities that involve massaging, such as cupping, may help increase pressure pain thresholds. And this, in theory, could help offset discomfort like neck pain. As research notes, people with chronic pain often have low-pressure pain thresholds. 

With dry cupping, a plastic or glass cup is placed on the skin, then the air inside the cup is suctioned or vacuumed out. The cups can be used at rest or with movement and application time usually ranges from five to 10 minutes. Cupping increases blood circulation at the point of the injury.

 What is dry cupping for?

Dry cupping can reduce pain, aid recovery from illness, help to reduce stress and tension, improve digestive flow, help to re-align the body’s energy as well as improve energy levels. It pulls blood to an area to encourage healing and helps to stretch tight fascia and muscle tissue by encouraging blood flow. You usually need two to six sessions to experience its full benefits.  

Dry cupping 30 Minutes – ($45.00/ session)

Booking Packages 

3x per month ($125.00)